Oh to begin

What do I offer myself [this time]?

A Bathtub time machine: meaning an empty apartment, meaning a water library — literature and intention in bubbles that glide on brown flesh. The Bathtub is a portal: give yourself poetry and piping hot water on a Friday night. Wade at knee length. Stay for hot flashes. Keep the door ajar. Use the amber light of the book lamp & marvel at how strange text can read under unfamiliar colour. The conditions for reading are as varied as they are flippant.

Notes from the soaking:

  • According to string theory there are up to eleven dimensions. The zero dimension is a dot. A singular unmoving point that is fixed and without axis to travel. I was embellished with the flattest and most limited dimension on my left cheek. It sprouted at some point at age six and was hailed a beauty spot. My zero dimension, by context, becomes something that makes the visage more dimensional more interesting by its existence.

  • In the advanced dimensions (eighth to fourteen) entire going ons co exist in parallel and each reality runs unnoticed by the other. Universes produce one another. There is a vessel of some martian population adjacent to a skyscraper in 2020. Office workers take an escalator that overlaps a hovering fleet of winged things. Neither is any the wiser.

  • In this way wherever she went, though she slipped out of my reality she is microbial in all of me. She is subsisting around me and I continue on this axis without noticing her.

  • I have always been interested in quantum physics but now — it is the field of resurrection, of afterlife, of beyond, of parallel, of unknowable.

  • It is her address now.

  • Find her there.

  • Devi in training. Devi in training.

  • I am still an apprentice, novice. The earliest parts of the star.

  • Training myself via a shallow liquid cocoon, detaching from the Real Housewives of NYC (S8) and the virtual roledex of society fragments.


  • A thermal bottle filled with chilled and mint infused new york tap water (filling the inside body with frost as the outside body simmers)

  • Seam by Tarfia Faizullah — reading cover to cover (I travelled with her and she allowed for this, more notes to come)

  • This Youtube breakdown

  • Maya Tiwari




Kiran Bath