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delta art book launch and reading

Join us for the virtual launch event of 𝛿, an interactive art book created in collaboration by artist, composer, and engineer Eli Backer of yyyymmddhhmm and the writer niyati.

The event will feature readings by Kiran Bath, Patricia Trigueros, and Onyinye Ukegbu, followed by the unveiling and presentation of 𝛿, a discussion of Eli and niyati's collaborative process, and an open Q&A about art, writing, and creating an art book that commemorates time in times like these.

Dress: pandemic glam (videos on); wallflower chic (videos off).

RSVP to receive the zoom link for the event, emailed the morning of Saturday, January 30th, 2021.


Earlier Event: January 21
Brooklyn Poets Staff Picks Reading Series
Later Event: August 2
Alternaverse Podcast